How to treat or reduce motion sickness in virtual reality?


Virtual reality is wonderful for many people. However, for others, the virtual world is far from pleasant. The reason is that when they enter it, they suffer from motion sickness. This is a discomfort similar to motion sickness or seasickness.

It is one of the side effects associated with the use of a virtual reality headset and, unfortunately, it affects thousands of people. According to a survey conducted by the video game publisher Ubisoft, about 45% of VR headset users are affected by this ailment.

Contrary to what one might think, the discomfort caused by motion sickness is not just common. It can lead to headaches and many other inconveniences.

For a person suffering from motion sickness, avoiding transport is an option to consider. However, it is not very realistic. Similarly, people who suffer from motion sickness can actually implement simple tips to avoid nausea. Discover practical techniques to treat or reduce motion sickness.

What is motion sickness?

Motion sickness is the English term for motion sickness or kinetosis, and it remains one of the weak points of virtual reality. Indeed, since this ailment does not affect everyone, some people may experience it while others do not.

Moreover, like motion sickness, car sickness, or land sickness, it occurs when there are conflicting signals between the sense of movement perceived by the eyes and what the body is actually doing. With virtual reality headsets, the user is immersed in a virtual world where they make movements. But at the same time, in reality, their body is static, sitting on a chair or standing.

How does kinetosis manifest?

When worn, the virtual reality headset obscures reality, leading to balance disorders in the user. The conflicting signals between the vestibular system and visual perception result in various unpleasant situations: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, migraine, sweating, dehydration, salivation, etc.

However, that’s not all. Due to the immersive experience offered by the headset, the feelings of discomfort can persist even when the device is removed. For example, the player might:

  • experience positional dizziness;
  • have hearing problems;
  • feel nauseous;
  • feel dizzy.

While some game developers for the Playstation VR, Oculus Rift, and other accessories manage to prevent motion sickness, it is important to note that there is no miracle solution to the problem. Nevertheless, there are simple methods to reduce its effects.

How to treat motion sickness?

Motion sickness can be accompanied by severe nausea and worsen over time. Worse, it can result in a trauma for the gamer.

1 – Choose games that account for motion sickness

To avoid this situation, game developers are coming up with new solutions. For example, they integrate black vignettes during movement to avoid vertigo effects in the player. The game Population One allows configuring the comfort level with virtual reality.

Population One
Population One

That said, not all games are equipped with such features. Therefore, to avoid feeling like vomiting or nauseous when using the headset for simulation, you can apply our other tips.

2 – Take time to get used to virtual reality

If virtual reality can cause nausea, here is a simple recommendation to avoid it: take time to get used to it. It is similar to early pregnancy nausea, especially in the first week of pregnancy, for a pregnant woman. She eventually gets used to it. Similarly, for a gamer, it is important to get accustomed to VR. Dizziness can occur simply because VR is a new experience. Generally, the symptom of motion sickness fades over time.

3 – Ginger and essential oils

Ginger is an effective product against vomiting. It is also one of the natural remedies for nausea. Therefore, a player who feels sick every time they enter the virtual world can take it before each session. The remedy can be taken at least 2 hours before playing the video game.

While ginger is effective, it is far from the only remedy for motion sickness symptoms. In fact, it can be unappealing to some consumers. They might prefer other remedies with more tolerable smells and tastes: peppermint, lemon essential oil, peppermint essential oil, etc. Chewing gum can also be helpful during the experience.

4 – The use of wristbands

To combat motion sickness, it is possible to wear wristbands. These can also be useful for motion sickness in VR. This is the case with Sea-Bands wristbands worn on the wrist. They are useful for acupressure as they maintain a pressure on the “Nei-Kuan” point. Thus, even in case of accelerations or turns in the game, the gamer does not feel the effect on their central nervous system.

5 – Coping with augmented reality by taking medication

As a last resort and after consulting a doctor, you can follow a medical treatment based on tablets. For example, it is possible to take antihistamines. Similarly, one can consume Dramamine. This medication helps prevent motion sickness. It can also calm the feeling of instability in the player. It all depends on what your doctor prescribes.

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